Cookie Policy

  1. How to control and delete cookies

Cookies are small text files that web servers give to browsers to store on users machines. They are necessary as they enable the website to recognize requests as coming from the same browser and they can be essential for the operation of an application but they can also be used to track user behaviour.

You can block or restrict the use of cookies through your browser settings. For more information on cookies, their use and blocking them you may want to visit


  1. List of the main cookies used on this website

This is a list of the main cookies set by this website, and what each is used for.

Cookie name Cookie party Expiry Cookie Type
adiV 1st party 1 year Website
adiVi 1st party Session Website
adiLP 1st party Session Website
HSID 3rd party 10 years Google
SSID 3rd party 10 years Google
APISID 3rd party 10 years Google
SAPISID 3rd party 10 years Google
SID 3rd party 10 years Google
PREF 3rd party Session Google
ULS 3rd party Session Google
SS 3rd party 10 years Google
NID 3rd party 6 months Google
__utmb 3rd party Session Google
__utmc 3rd party Session Google
__utmz 3rd party 6 months Google
__utma 3rd party 2 years Google
sessionid 1st party Session Session Cookie
__gads 3rd party 2 years Cloudfront
use_hitbox 3rd party 10 years YouTube
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE 3rd party 7 months YouTube
__utma 3rd party 2 years YouTube
__utmc 3rd party Session YouTube
__utmz 3rd party 6 months YouTube


3rd party Session YouTube
ACTIVITY 3rd party Session YouTube
PREF 3rd party 10 years YouTube
dkv 3rd party 3 months YouTube


  1. Cookies explained

3a. First party cookies

These cookies are set by the website itself and allows us (the website owner) to link the cookie with the website user.

3b. Third party cookies

We sometimes embed photos and video content from websites such as YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest. As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded from such services, you may be presented with cookies from these websites.  Our website does not control the dissemination of these cookies.  You should check the relevant third party website for more information about these.


Social Sharing Tools

Any site with a social sharing button may set a cookie when you are also logged in to their service. We do not control the dissemination of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party website for more information about these.


How to disable Flash Cookies

The Adobe website provides comprehensive information on how to delete or disable Flash cookies for all websites – see for details. Please be aware that restricting the use of Flash Cookies may affect the features available to you for Flash based applications